

最近我們開始做去年我們該做的夢想,之所以我們會勇敢築夢 主要的因素有許多,從許多的方面讓我不得不繼續我們的開始。

個人因素:目前三十恐慌,因為從東華回到部落屋工作之後 整個工作的氛圍讓我沒有熱情及鬥志 或許是我看不到我的未來吧! 為了完成他人的夢想而將自己的夢想丟到一旁,我不想努力了大半輩子之後卻被認為他們在給我一個工作 讓我能活下去。如果是這樣 我會很對不起我自己。我一直覺得如果再不有所作為的話,最終我會跟許多部落族人一樣,沒有目標的活下去。

工作因素:這次回來工作,到現在我還是無法適應這裡的生態,不知道如何表達,但總覺得有點怪怪的。整個地方充滿了負面的想法及作法:我們是他們的寄生蟲、他們都在努力找錢為了要讓我們有工作。常常用恐嚇的語言:現在外面不景氣,你們有工作就要感謝了、一直說要減薪、裁員,但都無配套及相關措施,搞的我們人心惶惶的。既然提出 只要在公平的情況下我們都會配合的,不然薪水那麼久沒正常發的情況之下,我們還在努力活啊。



2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Thanks for sharing and God bless you bro.

匿名 提到...

...this little child is in your mind, in your daughter's mind, in the classmates' minds and in my mind...it's not the teacher's fault (if we blame the teacher, then we must also blame the teacher's colleagues and the teacher's principal, who do not stop the teacher)...i don't agree with physical punishment or intimidation in a class (teacher or student)...talking about the situation without any actions is exactly the same behavior as that teacher's colleagues and principal...this situation is an opportunity from God...what parents will seize the opportunity and show that child and that child's parents' the love, mercy and grace of God...obviously that teacher knows nothing about this...also think that your daughter (if she wants to), should keep in touch with this kid for a long time...this is also an opportunity for her to be a friend to someone who really needs one...